Center Projects

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Year 8 (2016 – 2017) Projects

  1. On the Verification of Formal Methods for Digital Embedded Control Systems, PIs: D. Kagaris, S. Tragoudas, SIU
  2. Automated Testing for Functional Coverage for Cyber-Physical Systems, PI: G. Fainekos, ASU
  3. Incremental Analysis and Complex Pattern Discovery from Sensor Streams, PI: K.S. Candan, ASU
  4. Environmental Information and Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Based Performance Estimations for Smart Cars, PI: I. Anagnostopoulos, SIU
  5. Dynamic Memory Interference-Aware Technique for Energy-Efficient, QoS-Aware Mobile Web Browsing, PI: C. Wu, ASU
  6. Supporting Smart Machine Communication with Private LTE Network, PIs: K. Chen, G. Aruma Badgue, SIU
  7. Design of Non-Volatile Logic Circuits for Energy Efficient Design, PI: S. Vrudhula, ASU
  8. Accurate and Scalable RTL-level Fault Injection Simulation for Industrial and Automotive Standards, PIs: S. Tragoudas, T. Haniotakis, SIU
  9. Building Data-Driven Compressive Sensing Based Wireless Sensor Node for Personalized IoT, PI: F. Ren, ASU
  10. Power-over-Communication Approach for Integrating Remote Sensors to Motor Drives, PI: C. Hatziadoniu, SIU
  11. Mutual Learning and Adaptation for Robot to Human Object Handover, PI: H. Amor, ASU
  12. Internet-of-Things Applications Development for Private LTE Small-Cell Networks, PIs: I. Anagnostopoulos, G. Aruma Badgue, SIU
  13. Dynamic Feature Selection and Model Construction for Predicting Performance of MPSoCs, PI: S. Vrudhula, ASU

Year 7 (2015 – 2016) Projects

  1. Synchronizing Finite State Machine Controllers for Distribution Systems, PI: D. Kagaris, SIU
  2. Debugging Errors in Failed Functional Test Sequences, PIs: S. Tragoudas, T. Haniotakis, SIU
  3. Automated Testing for Functional Coverage for Cyber-Physical Systems, PI: G. Fainekos, ASU
  4. Conducted Emissions from Three-Level Inverters in Embedded Control of PMSM Drives (formerly Embedded Controller for Reduction of Torque Oscillations in a PMSM), PI: C. Hatziadoniou, SIU
  5. Development of a Novel High-speed CMOS Pixel Image, PI: H. Barnaby, ASU
  6. Radhard Ka-Band Power Amplifiers for Space, PI: J. Kitchen, ASU
  7. Distributed Run-time Management for Multi-Agent System, PI: I. Anagnostopoulos, SIU
  8. On the Verification of Formal Methods for Digital Embedded Control Systems, PIs: D. Kagaris, S. Tragoudas, SIU
  9. Building Energy-Efficient, Adaptive, and Secure Wireless Sensor Node by Harnessing Randomness, PI: F. Ren, ASU
  10. Large-scale Data-driven Sensing and Analytics for Dynamic Failure Prediction, PI: K.S. Candan, ASU
  11. Scalable and Power-Efficient Compressive Sensing CMOS Image Sensors and Reconstruction Circuits (FRP), PIs: S. Tragoudas (SIU), S. Vrudhula (ASU), H. Wang (SIU), F. Ren (ASU)
  12. Dynamic Learning of Application Characteristics for Performance and Energy Management of Smartphones, PI: S. Vrudhula, ASU
  13. A High-Performance, QoS-aware Memory Scheduling Approach for Highly Parallel, Heterogeneous Smartphone SoCs, PI: CJ Wu, ASU

Year 6 (2014 - 2015) Projects

  1. Towards Predictable Execution of Safety-Critical Tasks on Mixed-criticality Multi-core Platforms, PIs: Dimitri Kagaris and Harini Ramaprasad
  2. A Layout-aware Methodology for Path-delay Fault Grading and Diagnosis, PIs: Spyros Tragoudas and Themistoklis Haniotakiis
  3. Comparison of Image Processing Algorithms on Micro-array Architectures and GPGPU Platforms, PI: Spyros Tragoudas
  4. Synchronizing Finite State Machine Controllers for Distribution Systems, PI: Dimitri Kagaris
  5. Optimized Switching Patter Generator Embedded into an SoC, PI: Constantine Hatziadoniu
  6. Background Invariant Laser-spot Detection and Tracking for Embedded Systems, PI: Lalit Gupta
  7. Testability and Timing Analysis in Nanoscale Systems, PIs: Spyros Tragoudas (SIU), Sarma Vrudhula (ASU)
  8. Automated Testing for Functional Coverage for Cyber-physical Systems, PI: G. Fainekos, ASU
  9. Concurrency and Scheduling Analysis of Real-time Embedded Software on Multi-core Processors, PI: Y.H. Lee, ASU
  10. Design of Ultra-low Power Circuits for Compressive Sensing in Mobile Devices, PIs: S. Vrudhula and Y. Cao, ASU
  11. Energy-aware Application Scheduling for Heterogeneous and Parallel Smart Phone Architectures, PI: C.J. Wu, ASU
  12. Exploiting Hybrid Memory Architecture of Modern Multi-core DSPs, PI: A. Shrivastava, ASU
  13. Parallelization of Embedded Control Applications on Multi-core Architectures: A Case Study, PIs: G. Fainekos and Y.H. Lee, ASU

Year 5 (2013 - 2014) Projects

  1. Ground Work for Embedding a Field Oriented Motor Controller into a Single System on a Chip, PI: C.J. Hatziadoniu, SIU
  2. Towards Predictable Execution of Safety-Critical Tasks on Mixed-Criticality Multi-Core Platforms, PIs: H. Ramaprasad and D. Kagaris, SIU
  3. Adaptive Compressive Sensing Techniques for Low Power Sensors, PIs: H. Wang and S. Tragoudas, SIU
  4. Registration and Fusion of EVS and SVS Runway Images for Embedded Systems, PI: L. Gupta, SIU
  5. An Effective Test Strategy Based on Coverage Driven ATPG, PIs: S. Tragoudas and T. Haniotakis, SIU
  6. Multicore Simulator Critical Path Analysis, PI: S. Tragoudas, SIU
  7. Reliable Wireless Communications in Aircrafts and Other Challenging Environments, PI: X. Zhou, SIU
  8. Collaborative Research: Synthesis and Design of Robust Threshold Logic Circuits, PIs: S. Tragoudas (SIU), S. Vrudhula (ASU), H. Wang (SIU)
  9. Collaborative Research: Consortium for Embedded Systems, PIs: S. Tragoudas (SIU), H. Wang (SIU), Jay Lee (Un. of Cincinnati, I/UCRC for Intelligent Maintenance Systems)
  10. Achieving Energy-efficient Mobile Computing Through Explicit Data Communication and Global Power Management, PI: C.J. Wu, ASU
  11. Concurrency and Scheduling Analysis of Real‐time Embedded Software on Multi‐core Processors, PI: Y.H. Lee, ASU
  12. Improving Usability of Multi-core DSPs, PI: A. Shrivastava, ASU
  13. Performance Optimal Control of a System of Interconnected Components Under Thermal and Energy Constraints, PI: S. Vrudhula, ASU
  14. Spintronic Threshold Logic Array, PI: S. Vrudhula, ASU
  15. Visual Interface for Metric Temporal Logic Specifications, PIs: G. Fainekos and Y. Kobayashi, ASU

Year 4 (2012 - 2013) Projects

  1. Trustable Access Mechanisms for Embedded Systems, PIs: N. Weng and S. Tragoudas, SIU
  2. Pilot Study of Energy Harvesting Devices towards the Development of a Prototype, PIs: C. Hatziadoniu, F. Harackiewicz, and T. Chu, SIU
  3. Critical Path Analysis of Multicore Systems using BDDs, PI: S. Tragoudas, SIU
  4. All-optical Embedded Fiber-optic Up/down-links for Motor Controller, PI: M. Sayeh, SIU
  5. Resolver Sensor Conditioning Size Reduction, PIs: C. Hatziadoniu and H. Wang, SIU
  6. Adaptive Compressive Sensing Techniques for Low Power Sensors, PIs: H. Wang and S. Tragoudas, SIU
  7. Curriculum development: Embedded System Design using Atom-based Platforms, PIs: H. Wang and N. Weng, SIU
  8. Towards Predictable Execution of Safety Critical tasks on Mixed-Criticality Multi-Core Platforms, PIs: H. Ramaprasad and D. Kagaris, SIU
  9. Object Identification and Tracking Embedded for Embedded Systems, PI: L. Gupta, SIU
  10. High Quality Power-Aware Testing Methodologies for Integrated Circuits, PI: S. Tragoudas, SIU
  11. Collaborative Research: Synthesis and Design of Robust Threshold Logic Circuits, PIs: S. Tragoudas (SIUC), S. Vrudhula (ASU), H. Wang (SIUC)
  12. Development of Electronic System-level Hardware-Software Co-synthesis Approach, PI: K. Chatha, ASU
  13. Design of an Optimal Closed Loop Controller and its Implementation in a OS Scheduler for Dynamic Energy Management in Heterogeneous Multi-Core Processors, PI: S. Vrudhula, ASU
  14. Feasibility of Integrating Memristors and Threshold Logic for Compact, Low Power Digital Circuits, PIs: H. Barnaby and S. Vrudhula, ASU
  15. Improving Usability of Multi-core DSPs with Scratch Pad Memories, PI: A. Shrivastava, ASU
  16. Temporal Logic Testing for Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems, PI: G. Fainekos, ASU

Year 3 (2011 - 2012) Projects

  1. Statistical fault Grading and Diagnosis, PI: S. Tragoudas, SIU
  2. Development of a Fast Grain Quality Measurement System, PIs: A. Chen and J. Qin, SIU
  3. Survey and Assessment of Advanced Haptics Technology, PI: J. Qin, SIU
  4. JTAG-based Device Security for Embedded Systems, PIs: S. Tragoudas and N. Weng, SIU
  5. Platform for Automated Test and Programming of Embedded System on Module, PIs: S. Tragoudas and H. Wang, SIU
  6. Enhancing Embedded Systems Curriculum using Atom-based Platform, PIs: N. Weng and H. Wang, SIU
  7. Feasibility Study in improving the Reliability of an MSP430 Embedded System, PI: S. Tragoudas, SIU
  8. Towards Optimal Design of Networking Infrastructure in Bus-based Systems, PIs: D. Kagaris and H. Ramaprasad, SIU
  9. Numerical Modeling of Coupled-Thermomechanical processes, PIs: A. Shaikh, J. Qin, P. Chu, SIU
  10. Visualization of Executed Software Paths, PI: S. Tragoudas, SIU
  11. Application Mapping for CGRA, PIs: A. Shrivastava and S. Vrudhula, ASU
  12. Development of a Hardware-software Co-design Methodology for Current Day MPSoC, PI: K. Chatha, ASU
  13. Design and Thermal Modeling of Energy-Efficient Multi-core Architecture, PIs: S. Vrudhula and A. Shrivastava
  14. Feasibility of Integrating Memristors and Threshold Logic for Compact, Low Power Digital Circuits, PI: H. Barnaby, ASU
  15. A Light-weight Runtime Multi-tasking Scheduler for Embedded Multi-core Architectures, PI: K. Chatha, ASU
  16. Programming Non-Coherent Cache Architectures, PI: A. Shrivastava, ASU
  17. Replay-based Program Profiling and Analysis for Embedded Systems, PI: Y.H. Lee, ASU
  18. Statistical Techniques for Property Exploration of Cyber-Physical Systems, PI: G. Fainekos, ASU

Year 2 (2010 - 2011) Projects

  1. Alien Hardware Detection in Integrated Circuits through Delay Measurements and Computations, PI: Spyros Tragoudas, SIU
  2. Dielectric Resonator Antennas for Embedded Systems, PI: Frances J. Harackiewicz, SIU
  3. Error Detection and Correction for Early Latching Technique, PI: Spyros Tragoudas, SIU
  4. Development of Telemetry Circuit for Sol-gel Sensors, PI: Haibo Wang, SIU
  5. Distance Calculation to a Radio Transmitter With a Secure Network of Mobile Receivers, PIs: Spyros Tragoudas and Khadija Stewart, SIU
  6. Survey and Assessment of Advanced Haptics Technology, PI:Jun Qin, SIU
  7. Statistical Fault Grading and Diagnosis, PI: Spyros Tragoudas, SIU
  8. Development of Fast Grain Quality Measurement System, PI: Ying (Ada) Chen, SIU
  9. JTAG-based Device Security for Embedded Systems, PIs: Ning Weng and Spyros Tragoudas, SIU
  10. Platform for Automated Test and Programming on Embedded System on Module, PIs: Spyros Tragoudas and Haibo Wang, SIU

Year 1 (2009 - 2010) Projects

  1. Development of Telemetry Circuit for Sol-gel Sensors, PI: Dr. Haibo Wang, SIU
  2. Early Clock On-chip Mechanisms and Architectures for Buses, PI: Dr. Spyros Tragoudas, SIU
  3. Alien Hardware Detection, PI: Dr. Spyros Tragoudas, SIU
  4. Study of Improving the Bandwidth Performance of Hybrid DRAs, PI: Dr. Frances Harackiewicz, SIU
  5. GPS-free Distance Estimation to an RF Signal Source, PI: Dr. Spyros Tragoudas, SIU